Monday, 22 September 2014

Font research

This is  the mood-board that I have created whilst researching fonts.

I looked on line on at a lot of different fonts. I was looking at fonts for both my masthead on the front cover of my magazine, cover lines, my main sell-line and the text inside the magazine.

I looked at a wide variety of fonts from fonts with and without serifs and decorative fonts. For my masthead I want a bold font so it stands out on the cover, however I do want a font that will fit the genre of my magazine and the image I want to create. I want to have a font for my masthead that will be unique and not too similar to any other music magazines masthead. I want my masthead to be recognisable as it is the first thing that readers see on the shelf.

I want to have a font that is different to the one used for the masthead  for the font that I will use for my main sell-line. I want to have a font that isn't as bold as the masthead but I want a font that will still stand out on the page and not blend in with the main image.

For my cover lines I want the font to be similar if not the same to the one that I have used for my main sell line as I don't want the cover to have too many fonts on it as I don't want it too look too cluttered/tacky. If I use the same font as my main sell-line I will make the text size smaller and have the main sell line bold as I want the main sell-line to be bigger than the cover lines as the main sell-line is the main feature in the magazine.

When creating my double page spread I will have a big bold font that will stand out from the page as the main headline for that article, however for the article/interview its self I will have a simplistic font in a smaller size. I will do this not only so the headline stands out but so the article is easy for the reader to understand and see. 

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